A day of solutions…
I made three store runs in the last 24 hours and drained the last of the mad money. I solved the SMS $ charging issue with brute force (no, I didn’t smash my phone). The devices all got system updates (sans the old laptop). And a host of other little things…
The text messaging was still active this morning when I rebooted early, and when I installed the system update (second reboot). Both were still within the 24 hour period from yesterday, so no charge for those. So as a solution, I took the phone number off the SMS channel list, leaving only my public email account, which is free via Apple. I rebooted again after the 24 hour period expired, and there was no note of it in account history and no charge for the day. Expensive problem solved. Now I don’t yet know if the app made the authentication via Apple or not. I haven’t launched the suspects yet to test. I will later today.
Besides avoiding the charges, it will kill the text spam from self-employment insurance, pre-authorized business loans, and other trash. I discontinued text alerts from the pharmacy, and I will call the clinic today to cancel their text messages. Both were sending both text and email messages, so I won’t be losing anything except the redundancy.
And three trips to the business complex at US 290 and TX 36 south git rid of the mad money, about 40 hours before the monthly deposit. First was after the cardiologist appointment, already described below, primarily stuff for Myka. The second one was last night, primarily produce and restocking the fridge. Spuds, bread, brats, tamales, kolaches, shrimp (small, for gumbo). The third one was for the IR thermometer, plus butter and milk for baked potato soup.
I have put the gumbo on hold, until after the baked potato soup. First will be loaded baked potatoes and spudacados (when the avocados ripen), mixed with tacos. These will use the taco meat (diced) and baby back ribs (deboned and diced). And the open brats will be the alternative. Then will be eggs ackley, using pork tenderloin. Then the rest of the potatoes will be used for the soup, with pork tenderloin. I’ll be thawing two bags of tenderloin, half of one for the ackley, the rest for the soup and tacos. The remaining milk will go to cheese risotto. After that, there will be gumbo. This will cover a week to ten days, depending on how hungry I am.
The next twelve days show forecasted highs in the 70s. I will not complain about that. Today and tomorrow show strong chances for rain, sprinkles today, potentially half an inch tomorrow. Then a week of sunny weather. I will not complain about that either. Hopefully I can get some work done on the truck.
The house is open. Temp is 71°F. A little humid, but it was already humid inside. Myka is happy. The office window required a little maintenance to open it fully, getting a little sticky and swollen over the winter. But it’s open now. Nice to have a fresh breeze blowing gently through the house after the week of freezing weather.
I plan on making eggs ackley this evening. That doesn’t mean it will happen, but it would be a good time for it. I’m thawing the pork tenderloin now.