Lump day

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It’s Wednesday morning, chores are done, for the time being. Time to kick back and watch the chance of rain play itself out. I have risotto, gumbo, and chicken salad to easily keep the tummy from fussing. No real cause for complaints that comes to mind.

Well, correction. I was out of minis, and the need for a kolache followup got to me. So I made a quick store run through the drizzly fog to get my fix.

Today is a good day to spend on the chaos, once the sun comes out of the wet murk. It’s pretty dark out there.


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I got the gumbo made, and the andouille has a bit of a kick to it. It lit up the gumbo enough to give me a runny nose. Not at the noggin dew level, but definitely warming on a cold day. I like it. The perfect level of scovilles for a cool spell. Plenty of rice too for carbs. And there’s 2 full tubs, 4 quarts, just in the fridge after a bowlful. I’m considering freezing one, but I’m not sure yet.

Gumbo, before the shrimp was added.

I do appreciate the IR thermometer in judging when they go into the fridge. It is proving to be a very handy tool in a lot of places. Getting a quick reading without opening the container or having to wash a probe suits me quite well.

I had a hard nap this afternoon. That reprieve allowed the gumbo to cool properly. But I still need to get trash out, wash the gumbo pot, and fill the ice bin while the sun is still up behind the rain clouds. 0.4″ of rain so far today.

The rain seems to be delaying the delivery of the pliers. UPS. *sigh*

Can’t complain too much. Gumbo and risotto, dry, power and internet, modern plumbing, modern transportation, lots of toys. Lots of distractions.

Trash on the curb. Pliers arrived, already pinched myself removing the spring restraining o-rings. It’s small, but it’s a Klein. I like it, what I wanted. It’ll go out to the tool box when it dries up outside. Myka got a package to smell.

Myka fed. She’s got the mandatory, maybe she’ll get some optional. No Sparky, just the black cat Myka screen fights. I ran him off.

Soup pot and ice bin left to handle. Ends in the kitchen sink.

One tub of gumbo went to the kitchen freezer. Half a gallon is a bit too much for one cycle, along with the risotto, and I’ll appreciate it later. Time will show me right on this one.

The evening has found me delving deep into lumpin’.

Cool down

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The string of days in the 80s has come to an end, bring back cooler temperatures. And a few cold ones, here and there in the forecast. The days of warmth were most welcome, but nothing is forever. Myka is already serving as a foot warmer. We both miss the comforting breezes flowing through the house. This morning is a bit of a dip into the low 50s, forecast to be followed by 48 hours of 60s.

Sunday was rather leisurely. There was the chili/shrimp shuffle that wasn’t. The pint of chili that I had thought was in the top loader was in the kitchen freezer, hiding behind the puree. It took emptying out nearly everything in the top loader and suffering frigid fingers to discover that fact. I left it where it was, and the four new pints were moved to the top loader. The shrimp for the gumbo came inside, currently in the fridge. But the cheese risotto comes first.

I’m not used to having over half the mad money on hand this time of month, despite having paid the truck insurance bill for the next six months. I’ve gotten out of the rhythm. Not that I don’t have a wish list that will take months to deplete. This month, I can wipe out most of it locally. Tools, guitar rack, pressure washer, shoes, etc. And there’s a portable solar power station, digital projector, drone, etc. I won’t need to worry for months about there being nothing that I don’t have (and want).

I watched the Super Bowl for a change. It was on Tubi, so I ran it on the side on the older tablet with the volume off. I didn’t pay much attention to half time. And I didn’t particularly care who won. Just another Super Bowl.

A slow Monday morning. I’m not in any hurry for anything.

Like most Mondays, they start slow and pick up speed as the sun heads toward the western horizon. Myka got fed, and Sparky got her treat, and then things happened.

Cheese risotto sitting on the counter, cooling down for the fridge. I had a bowlful. A nice way to return to a rice base menu.

I went to the store during busy hours, to get andouille for the gumbo. 24 oz of shrimp was a little skimpy for a full pot, so I decided on andouille/shrimp gumbo. I’ll be making it tonight, after I wash the pot that I’m using for both risotto and gumbo, so the packages go out in the trash tomorrow. I also got bay scallops, so as to have two packages in the freezer for big recipes, plus a package of napkins for reserve. I also got a small tub of chicken salad on a whim to help use up the bread, a good alternative to the rice dishes.

Back to watching movies.

2 quarts

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I went and got 2 quarts of brisket chili from Pioneer BBQ this afternoon, after the lunch hour. I brought it home and divided it into 4 pints for the freezer. It’s still hot off the fire, so it needs to go through a full cooling cycle to reach the freezer. I could leave one out, but I’m more inclined to thaw the one already in the freezer first when I want one. I’m more focused on shrimp gumbo. But I won’t be shy about thawing the chili when I get a hankerin’. (I don’t have any spuds, and I’m not inclined to go get a bag until the weekend calms down.)

I tabbed To Live Is to Fly by Townes van Zandt this morning. It’s not hard to play, it will be more getting the words in the proper order than anything else. My guitar pads are peeling, a delayed reaction to the Bryan jam. I need to play the Egee more.

Sunny, warm (85°F), bluebird skies, gentle breeze. Enjoying it while it lasts. Pretty lazy over all.

The windows are closed, it’s 70°F outside, inside it’s 79°F. I’m still in short sleeves, but not for too long. It will be in the 60s for the next 24 hours, then cool down.

The chili is in the kitchen freezer, tomorrow it will be moved to the top loader when I thaw the shrimp for the gumbo. The kitchen will be cool enough to cook. I need to start planning for TLT 2.0 before it gets too warm.

I ordered a pair of Klein 5″ slim needle nose pliers from Home Depot. That was the one pair that Lowes doesn’t have in store. I figured that I’d get something out of the money that I’ve been spending. And I plan on making new plastic handles on the old pliers.

I need to focus on the chaos. It will be good indoor weather for it.


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I paid the truck insurance bill last night. It was an early dent in the budget, 7 weeks prior due date, but it won’t be hanging over my head. I have been quite frugal this month, so it was a good time to get it out of the way, and I still have the ECM refund to claim, which will almost cover it.

I added a new item to the wish list, a 300W portable power station w/a 60W solar panel array. It’s not the most powerful, but it’s sufficient for my travel needs. Plus I can afford it. I’m not in a big hurry, there are a few items in front of it.

I finished off the baked potato soup tonight, and the eggs ackley yesterday. So I’m on quick fix until I make cheese risotto and shrimp gumbo. The spud menu has expired. I’m planning on getting a couple of quarts of brisket chili for the freezer. I could make my own, but I don’t have freezer room for 6 quarts.

Blood pressure is doing better, but not yet back to optimal. The new script has been delayed.

No work on the truck this week. I just haven’t felt up to it, despite the weather. It gets me around town, so it’s not dire, optional maintenance schedule. I can get to where I’m going in less time that it takes for the engine to warm up, so the heater core swap is not that compelling, hence no visit to the shop for fluid recycling services (oil change, cooling system flush, lube). I haven’t made that many errand runs this month, and the weather is unseasonably warm, so the expense seems to generate reluctance.

Sparky has been begging loudly at the back door, forgetful of the one treat a day rule. Myka’s eyes have been green, hissy hissy. That’s what I get for having the house open. Tomorrow is the last day with a high in the 80s. Maybe Sunday, as it says 78°F, and they tend to call it on the low side. No freezes or frosts, but not as warm. Sleeves are returning. It was a much needed tropical break from the cold.

New med

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My blood pressure continues to be high, so I contacted my primary, and I was prescribed a CCB (calcium channel blocker), namely low dose verapamil, in addition to the usual in the evening. That means eight pills at once.

Not much going on, a lot of lumpin’. Still on eggs ackley (finished today), baked potato soup, and coconut cream pie diet. Usually there’s one alternative a day. Last night, it was a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

Took the scooter out for a 1.5 mile ride right after the lunch hour. It’s on the charger now. Gilder St has been resurfaced with asphalt. Not sure if the work will extend here.


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The bulk of the day was spent sawing logs. The afternoon was a buzzsaw of chores. Trash gathered and to the curb. Ice bin and trays. Dishes. Kitchen floor. Myka, horde tended. Oat grass watered. Unloading the truck. Pretty much everything but laundry… And I just got it started. I’m clocking out.

I didn’t get to popping the hood on the truck as I had hoped. I was sleeping too solid for too many hours. I don’t have any major chores for tomorrow. So maybe I can focus on the truck.

I am working on eggs ackley, baked potato soup, and coconut cream pie as a base, sides, a few snacks here and there, when reaching is easier than prepping. Easy menu.

Another day in the 80s. I saw 85°F as a high. Windows open, pleasant breeze, bare arms, fan blowing. Lots of local traffic, glass packs grumbling. No need to shop. No desire to be out there with them. I may get in a scooter ride tomorrow morning.

Forecast says four more days like this, through Saturday. Then it will drop 15 to 20°F, 60s and low 70s for highs, maybe graze the upper 40s a couple of times for lows. No frost in the forecast. But sleeves.

Da big nada

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Not much happening today. It’s post-soup syndrome. Put in the effort to make baked potato soup, then lumpin’ automatically follows. 81°F, sunny blue skies, gentle breeze. A day made for lumpin’, spring fever personified.

Planning to have a soak while it’s warm enough to relax.


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The spuds are baked, peeled, and roughly chopped, waiting in the pan for milk, butter, pork tenderloin, onion, garlic, et al, along with a masher. The big labor is done. Dump, mash, set fire, tend. I discovered that the Victorinox paring knife does a marvelous job of peeling baked potatoes, even after they’ve cooled, using the blunt edge to peel, sharp edge to excise. Then it did a great job chopping.

It got to 79°F today. Windows were open, sunny blue skies, mild breeze. A good day to kick back. Except for prepping the spuds, I was pretty much laid back. There weren’t that many chores. Ice bin, wash a few things, Myka. Only thing neglected is laundry, and no hurry there, waiting until I’m not in the kitchen. Yesterday took care of the bulk of chores. I watched the Ytube Sunday morning dump, though I still have three glamping vids yet to watch.

I had considered a scooter ride, but there was a fair amount of tourist traffic. It wasn’t for wildflowers, as there aren’t any yet, more for the weather and culture. The rest of the week will be quieter on the streets.

I may break down tonight and finally spend some money. I have very few items on my list, tortillas, chocolate cream pie, minis. The end of month mad money stocking made sure that I didn’t need anything for the weekend. And I didn’t.

The soup ended up a little thick, more spuds than usual is my guess. I used the standard amount of milk. But it can be thinned when warmed with a shot of milk, if I like. (At the sacrifice of risotto.) At least it’s yummy, a little on the garlicky side. It will all disappear, no problem whatsoever. I enjoyed using the IR thermometer on the soup. Very handy.

I made the store run, getting more cheddar and tortillas (needed for the current menu), plus a coconut cream pie and minis for desserts. I got the coconut pie at the first store, instead of a chocolate one at the second store, to save about 60 steps and a shopping cart. I have no qualms. I have plenty ice cream sandwiches and ample chocolate in the munchie drawer.


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Windows are open. Myka has been having a day of it, including getting oat grass for the first time in days. It is a remarkable spring day on the first day of February. Sunny, blue skies, light breeze. It’s a prime day for falling asleep at the keyboard, then kicking back in the LZB to fix my aching neck.

I need to wash three forks, fill the ice bin and trays, feed Myka, sift Myka’s cabana, and make soup. Otherwise, it’s a day to lump in true spring fever style.

I was considering a scooter ride, but I think I’ll pass on that today. I can hear fairly heavy traffic, people out to enjoy the spring weather. Maybe tomorrow, when it’s not so buzzy.

I got the chores done, except for feeding Myka (she’s asleep), and making soup. Once the potatoes are baked, peeled, and chopped, it’s not that big of a project, just throwing the right stuff in a big pot and not letting it burn the bottom.

But soup can be made after dark. So I’m not in a hurry. There is still avocado to be eaten, so I may make a final spudacado before I tackle the soup.

Closing in on midnight. The avocado is gone in a spudacado, with taco chasers, both using taco meat and making a big dent in the bag. No soup yet, though I must say, I originally intended the soup to be made tomorrow (generally, give or take). So I don’t feel too terribly neglectful. I got all the other chores done for the day. Nothing has spoiled.

The forecast has warmed up. Starting Monday, we’re looking at a string of 80s/60s. A few clouds here and there, but no rain. The house will be open every day.

I still haven’t spent any money. I thought about a store run for a dessert, but I slept instead.


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Eggs ackley is on the stovetop resting, standard 7 egg batch, a dozen hefty breakfast tacos. I don’t plan on eating any today, I’ll start on them tomorrow morning for breakfast. I’ll make a beef spudacado for a late lunch. I’ll have baby back rib tacos tonight, finish up that bag.

I plan on making baked potato soup tomorrow. I’m not ready to peel that many baked spuds today. Tomorrow is plenty soon. Then I’ll only have the beef taco meat in a bag for base tacos.

Sunny, in the 60s. On the breezy side, from the NNW, but slowing up a bit as the high approaches. Still on the slow side, but the weather is perking me up a little.

The dishes are done, kitchen sink, counters, and stove top scrubbed down, the kitchen floor mopped. Spring does things for the environment that inspire, like not turning fingers red and the surfaces drying.

pay day

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My monthly deposit cleared the bank early last night. So now I have a full dose of mad money (-$3). I have been frugal while spending money for six months, and I finally caught up with all the expense of the truck, scooter, etc. That’s good that I can manage the budget during stressful times. However, it left me with a six month wish list, and there are still expenses. First, truck insurance is due in March, payable in February. Then registration is in March. Next is antifreeze flush, oil change, and lube. And there is still the steering squeak.

But the wish list has a few pricey items, like the purpleheart guitar stand, pressure washer, digital projector, drone, and more. And there are plenty more lesser items for future months when I need to spend mad money. But this month, I haven’t gotten online and ordered stuff right off the bat. The momentum of resistance to making extraneous purchases is difficult to curb. Yes, I got the IR thermometer to drain the last of the mad money, and I really like the meter, feels good. But that momentum is strong. So whimsical spending will be reluctant until I get expenses squared away. Just catching up on the mad money cycle, primarily because of winter weather, doesn’t give laissez-passer to be irresponsible.

Hopefully the weather will be as supportive as the forecast claims. Sunny, 70s, light breezes.

Still no appetite. Still no eggs ackley or baked potato soup. I did make spudacado last night, and chased it with a piece of cake, and they tasted good. But it was more out of a sense of duty than hunger. I am hoping that today is a different story in the kitchen. I’m not that worried about yesterday’s lack of ambition. It has been a busy week and I needed a day off to rest my bones. I’m not going hungry, and nothing has gone to waste. It will get made.

Myka is still making the LZB disputed territory. I’ve been putting the throw over my legs when I occupy it, inviting here to nestle between my calves. I was hoping that it would satisfy her need, but it only seems to encourage it.


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Closing down the first month of 2025 in full recovery. It’s been half a year since I had to spend mad money on the final days of a month. The truck, scooter, and other financial pits have seen to it that I was huffing and puffing to stay above water. But through frugality and repudiation, I have managed to regain life on the financial edge. And I did it without going hungry. (Understatement.)

I didn’t cook last night, as I had intended, I slept. So no eggs ackley, no spudacado, no ice in the ice bin. Negligence abounding. But alas, no harm was done, no food has spoiled. And I shall be in the kitchen today, starting with scooping avocados, to be placed under lime juice. It will be a busy day, involving cutlery and fire.

And it will be a rainy morning. A front will be moving through, but with no real shift in temperature. Just the potential for half an inch of rain, followed by sunny skies.

As the temperature rises to spring standards, Myka has once again been gravitating from the lofty aeries toward the lower tiers of the house. This means the LZB is once again a target for napping away the day. Once again, those legendary words are being delivered, “Myka, I need my chair.”

A day at home.

I got the ice bin filled and the trays refilled. Then I scooped the avocados, mushed, and covered in lime juice. Hence, I bought myself a little time. I won’t need to eat for hours, so no hurry to cook. I want to get the eggs ackley done fairly soon. I’m just not hurrying.

Indeed, I am not in a hurry, sustaining a steady rhythm of sleeping and lumpin’. My fault for using lime juice to give me a way out. Lack of appetite isn’t helping either. I finished off the brats, which was highest priority for time. But that is it since the 4 am kolache. The rest is still fresh enough to last a while with confidence. Myka is eating better than I am. Now the focus is spuds, butter, avocado, cheddar, and diced meat (multitudes of each). Spudacado, eggs ackley, baked potato soup. (Tacos to dwindle down the pounds of diced meat without a lot of filler.) Then I can move on to rice as a base, cheese risotto and shrimp gumbo.

All I need to do is find an appetite to inspire me to action.


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A day of solutions…

I made three store runs in the last 24 hours and drained the last of the mad money. I solved the SMS $ charging issue with brute force (no, I didn’t smash my phone). The devices all got system updates (sans the old laptop). And a host of other little things…

The text messaging was still active this morning when I rebooted early, and when I installed the system update (second reboot). Both were still within the 24 hour period from yesterday, so no charge for those. So as a solution, I took the phone number off the SMS channel list, leaving only my public email account, which is free via Apple. I rebooted again after the 24 hour period expired, and there was no note of it in account history and no charge for the day. Expensive problem solved. Now I don’t yet know if the app made the authentication via Apple or not. I haven’t launched the suspects yet to test. I will later today.

Besides avoiding the charges, it will kill the text spam from self-employment insurance, pre-authorized business loans, and other trash. I discontinued text alerts from the pharmacy, and I will call the clinic today to cancel their text messages. Both were sending both text and email messages, so I won’t be losing anything except the redundancy.

And three trips to the business complex at US 290 and TX 36 south git rid of the mad money, about 40 hours before the monthly deposit. First was after the cardiologist appointment, already described below, primarily stuff for Myka. The second one was last night, primarily produce and restocking the fridge. Spuds, bread, brats, tamales, kolaches, shrimp (small, for gumbo). The third one was for the IR thermometer, plus butter and milk for baked potato soup.

I have put the gumbo on hold, until after the baked potato soup. First will be loaded baked potatoes and spudacados (when the avocados ripen), mixed with tacos. These will use the taco meat (diced) and baby back ribs (deboned and diced). And the open brats will be the alternative. Then will be eggs ackley, using pork tenderloin. Then the rest of the potatoes will be used for the soup, with pork tenderloin. I’ll be thawing two bags of tenderloin, half of one for the ackley, the rest for the soup and tacos. The remaining milk will go to cheese risotto. After that, there will be gumbo. This will cover a week to ten days, depending on how hungry I am.

The next twelve days show forecasted highs in the 70s. I will not complain about that. Today and tomorrow show strong chances for rain, sprinkles today, potentially half an inch tomorrow. Then a week of sunny weather. I will not complain about that either. Hopefully I can get some work done on the truck.

The house is open. Temp is 71°F. A little humid, but it was already humid inside. Myka is happy. The office window required a little maintenance to open it fully, getting a little sticky and swollen over the winter. But it’s open now. Nice to have a fresh breeze blowing gently through the house after the week of freezing weather.

I plan on making eggs ackley this evening. That doesn’t mean it will happen, but it would be a good time for it. I’m thawing the pork tenderloin now.


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I got to meet Dr. Aly today, had a ECG, which looked good, but the blood pressure was misbehaving badly. So I am scheduled for an echocardiogram at the hospital next month, then a followup with the new cardiologist.

I made a store run after the appointment to spend some mad money, mostly on Myka: littler, kibbles, and wet food. I got chips and a couple of avocados. I still have $90 to go in the next 59 hours. I was considering a run to Lowes, but I decided not yet. I’ll probably get spuds, minis, bread, brats, kolaches, tamales… Then I’ll go to Lowes, when I know the total dent from groceries.

I made contact with the eye care office, and they were supposed to get back to me on the date for an appointment, but no return contact yet. I’m not in a hurry, it’s my primary who wants the report.

I also contacted AT&T about the mystery outbound authentication text message, which was supposed to be free, but it was charging me. I may have countered it on my end with settings, but they blocked the number on their end. So hopefully I won’t see the charge again.

I got the baby back ribs deboned and diced, and I had a couple of tacos last night. They’ll go with the spuds (when I get them) as well as tortillas.

So now things are fairly relaxed. I need to unload the truck, nothing refrigerated or dire, so no big hurry. Nothing else set for today except trash to the curb.


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I took a scooter ride to downtown around noon today. 65°F, foggy, I pretty much had the streets to myself. Fun little ride, just getting outside, fresh air, enjoying not being holed up inside in the warmth.

It was a wet morning. It didn’t rain, but there was a quarter inch of dew. We had a super-saturated fog, it didn’t fall, it floated, collecting on everything, water dripping off everything as it collected.

I also went and topped off the truck this afternoon. It was nice being comfortable outside, even if it was a little on the damp side. And I burned a little mad money. Down to $135. Last week of the month spending, my my. I am guessing some Klein tools in the days ahead. I can’t think of that many groceries.

I thawed taco meat and baby back ribs, the taco meat has been diced, the ribs untouched as of yet. There will be tacos shortly. I had popcorn shrimp, curly fries, and onion rings for lunch. Boston cream pie is still the dessert.

There is still not a lot of ambition, though it arises here and there. The body is still pretty slow. And the open office door cooling the room doesn’t help.

1st Spring

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Southeast Texas is about to have its first spring of the year. La Niña and the jet stream and the long term forecast concur. The 30s (below 5°C) are gone. 60°F outside. *Plays a happy song.* Oklahoma/Kansas will be the ping pong net, no longer here.

That is not saying that it will be the only spring this year. Only March 15 will answer that. But I’m not one to disparage a spring for its lifespan. And this one is about to start off wet. Two rain systems have us targeted, back to back. Good for the wildflowers. Not so good for truck maintenance projects. I have things to do inside. It will be nice to have an open office door (just opened, but Myka just gobbled a wedge of a fresh can of chicken pate, extra gravy, so she is lumpin’ and doesn’t know it yet).

It’s 70°F in the kitchen drawer. So I celebrated by pulling two bags of taco meat (Tombstone Mesquite rub) and two bags of baby back ribs. They are among the unjustifiably ignored in the freezer. I have fresh tortillas in the fridge, let it rip. The tamales are gone. The tub of stew will be gone tonight. Brats need to go, so they’ll be in the mix with a priority.

Not much happening today. Myka was pampered, a few dishes washed, cabana scooped, that’s about it. But it will be picking up… Eventually.

The freeze is gone

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To paraphrase B B King, ♫ the freeze is gone, the freeze is gone away. And to top it off, tonight is the last of the 30s in the forecast. It is now early spring, with a week to go in January. No more flushing pipes. Now the question that begs an answer, will the office door stay closed? It’s currently 84°F in here, and I’m wearing sleeves. (It’s 36°F outside, 67°F in the kitchen.) It should get up to around 60°F today.

I’ve had no breakfast, so I’ll probably have tamales for brunch, or lunch. Last night’s beef stew and Boston cream pie (cake) was enough to hold me over until well after sunrise. I’m still not particularly hungry.

Not much to do today, at least until it warms up. I may take the scooter out for a spin this afternoon to celebrate.

Cream Mass.

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I made a store run, got a Boston cream pie (cake), minis, and a rice mix. I usually don’t go during rush hour, but the bakery had to be open to get the cake. At least it was all up front in the store. I would have just stayed home, except that I was tired of not having a dessert, and the cake was on sale, with coupon. I haven’t had one in a while, and it caught my fancy.

It was an escapist act, leaving the house at a time usually not ventured, for a dessert not often seen in the house. It was something to break the boredom cycle of cold weather. I’m tired of it. The Gulf waters are down in the 50s. Go away. Let spring happen already. The skeeters are dead, the services of cold weather are no longer required.

Most of the snow is gone, better than 90%. Off the ground, in the shade, on thermal insulating material. It won’t survive tomorrow. Two more nights in the mid 20s. In the 50s, and then 60s this weekend.

I had stew for a late lunch. I delayed it with the last of the brie for brunch. The last of the excuses are gone. The tamales will get opened tonight as the alternative entree. And cake for dessert.

white and ugly stuff

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There was about an inch of snow last night and this morning, give or take. I didn’t bother measuring. Melted down, the local station said 0.1″. There is still snow where there was shade, but that that exposed to sunlight has melted.

The truck started this afternoon.
The street and sidewalks cooled down late in the snowfall, most of it melted on contact.

I got the trash bin out to the curb. There wasn’t much else to do in the way of chores. I had a kolache at 4 am and a link of boudin at 4 pm. I may do in a couple of waffles in a bit. Not much an appetite today. The tub of beef stew is in the fridge, but that gets first dent tonight, after it freezes again. With the sun heading down, the temp has dropped from 38°F to 36°F. It’s not wasting any time with the shaded snow still hanging around.

There are three more nights of freezes in the forecast, tonight being the coldest of season. Then it appears to be slowly heading toward spring. I’m still expecting an early spring this year. I am ready for it. The bugs are dead, time to move on.

Not much happening in the meantime.

box of rain, a bag of snow

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Radar shows snow falling. My eyes detect none as it turns dark. But not much expectation for any at 35°F. The 40 hour dive into the coldest weather of the season is starting now.

From NWS:

Rain showers, snow showers and sleet likely, possibly mixed with freezing rain before 4am, then snow showers likely, possibly mixed with sleet between 4am and 5am, then a chance of snow showers after 5am. Cloudy, with a low around 25. Wind chill values between 15 and 25. North wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 30 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%. Little or no ice accumulation expected. Total nighttime snow and sleet accumulation of 1 to 2 inches possible. 

A 50 percent chance of snow showers, mainly before 8am. Cloudy through mid morning, then gradual clearing, with a high near 34. Wind chill values between 10 and 20. North wind 10 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 30 mph. New snow accumulation of less than a half inch possible. 

Tuesday Night
Clear, with a low around 15. North wind around 5 mph becoming calm in the evening. Of note, NWS is the only forecast with temps in the teens, all the others say low 20s.

I split a bag of jumbo cocktail shrimp between yesterday and today. I used the bbq tongs on it today, since the tails came off yesterday (peel 2, eat 1). Rather enjoyable way to eat shrimp, get the cocktail sauce all over it, no worries over sloppy fingers. A tub of beef stew is in the fridge, Myka enjoyed a few spoonfuls of the broth. Pork tamales and smoked boudin will be the alternative entrees during the cold snap.

The Freeze Misers have been doing a very good job of keeping the water in the pipes above freezing. I’m not seeing any water in the 30s, it’s all in the 40s or 50s. Remarkable.

Watching Quentin Tarantino movies. It fits my mood about cold weather. I’m ignoring the events in Washington DC.

Early accumulation.
A short while later…

In a skirt

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I got the poly put up around the gaps in the house’s skirt today. So the house is as tight as it’s going to get for the freezing temps in the week ahead. Maybe a heat lamp or two will be added, plus heat from the interior. And of course, pipe flushing with a thermometer. It will be easier this year with the auto-flush nozzles on the exterior faucets. When they reach 32°F, they open and flow until the water warms them up. They won’t make that big of a puddle.

Wasn’t much of a day, in the 50s. It was warm enough to where I could have done more, but there wasn’t more to do. I got the usual Saturday chores done, ice bin, Myka’s cabana, dishes, etc. Tonight will be a light freeze, around 30°F. Not worried about flushing, maybe once around sunrise. As the temp drops outside, the temp in the office rises, as central heat is running more.

I had a kolache and a link of boudin, a few chips today. Not much of an appetite. The shrimp hasn’t been opened yet. I think I’ll finish off the pâté tonight, with brie. I’ve had visions of popcorn shrimp with curly fries and onion rings, but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe tomorrow for lunch, if the jumbo shrimp doesn’t get opened. I may be thawing a tub of beef stew for snow/winter mix on Monday night/Tuesday and the hard freeze Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. That’s two days away. Shrimp cocktail will be the big entree until then.

I have mostly been resting up, gathering strength, easing sore muscles, etc. It will be pretty boring, but demanding on precise timing. I will be using the timer on the old laptop so that I wake up when it’s time to flush, should I fall asleep. So I want as much reserve as I can muster before it starts.

And here it comes…

ECM circus

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I tried to return the ECM to O’reilly’s, and it fell through, not because of denial, but incompetence. Now I will say it wasn’t total incompetence, just specifically how to bring up an online order on their computer. I need to go back on chilly Monday to talk to the manager, who might know how.

Light rain today, not the warm sunny day that was forecast earlier. No scooter riding. Today doesn’t seem to be going my way.

Settling in, letting the day melt away as the sun heads west and lower. I took out a package of jumbo shrimp and one of boudin to thaw in the sink. It should help with the mood of things not going as hoped. It’s not like I failed to get a refund, just that it didn’t happen today, and I still have mad money to spend. It’s just the strain of a string of past months being less than ideally balanced financially carrying over into the recovery. It’s not easy to fully shake it, since I’m still being moderately frugal. It hangs in the background, and the refund would have changed that.

And there is the dread of the week of cold weather ahead. I am not looking forward to it, even though I know that I will survive it. One thing about the boost of warmth in the office with the door shut, the warmer it gets outside, the less the furnace runs, and the cooler the office gets. It is the one saving grace of the winter, to have a warm place to relax without a shiver reflex. I will be on a night schedule to flush the pipes for at least three nights. I will need to put up the plastic covers where the skirt is open, as Wednesday morning is forecast for 17°F/-11°C, a definite pipe buster.

But for now, I’m getting some relaxation in. Best to approach the task calmly, with confidence. I have everything I need from the stores for the weekend.

Myka has curled up in a crater on the long table, out cold. While she gets a little antsy staying in here with the door shut for any length of time, she has little problem sleeping in here. But I will be seeing more of her as the temp drops and the office warms.


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I installed a plastic cover for the broken pane in the attic window. That involved extending the step ladder (Werner MTLAA-17, 375 lb test, 35 lbs, OSHA compliant ). It is one overbuilt monster that no one will steal. It is a full cardio exercise routine just to straighten and extend it, not to mention climbing it. It’s impossible to run with it. But alas, the gaping window pane is no longer open to the elements. Let the cold front blow, I’m ready for it. So is the bathroom.

So that was pretty much the one project for the day. I made a run to the store for a staple gun and syrup. I had waffles for brunch, as I need to reduce the content of the kitchen freezer after buying kolaches, and it’s the bulkiest for the mass, an obvious target, and the syrup is getting low. But technically, the staple gun was the primary purpose for the run, and part of the window project. I don’t use staple guns often, and borrowing one is more trouble than buying one.

So I’m done for the day, off the clock. I may take a spin on the scooter. It’s in the mid 60s, sunny, calm. A fine day for it.

I haven’t thawed shrimp or rib eye. I may do something else, something easier. I’m in quick fix mode, and I might be until the front arrives. I still have a pork chop to fix. And brie and pate, tamales, brats, chicken fajitas, etc. I need fresh tortillas, minis, not sure what else. The weekend stocking list is pretty thin. But that is tonight or tomorrow morning. I’m not making another midday store run.

I need to get a refund on the ECM. I keep putting it off. Tomorrow would be a good day for it. I need to get the paperwork together.

I found out that Myka likes pâté more than brie.

Quick fix

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Down to quick fix, with the exception of one pork chop left. I had one for a late lunch, with the usual over easy egg. Fish sandwich for dinner. Basically eating light, which is what my body desires. I haven’t thawed the shrimp or rib eye yet, I’m waiting for my appetite to kick back in.

I made a quick run to the store late in the morning for kolaches, using the side entrance. It was the only thing I needed, I was down to one in the freezer. I also paid rent on storage. I need to take the damaged ECM back for a refund. It would more than double the mad money, which is doing well this month. I’d definitely have to spend some money (like on a pressure washer, etc).

Another afternoon in the 50s, comfortable enough. It is forecast for mid 30s tonight. Forecast for the weekend is another cold front, with a moderate freeze. The pane of the attic window is broken, which allows wind to blow through the attic and into the bathroom. And it allows rain in. It needs fixing in the next couple of days, even if it’s just temporary.

Myka had oat grass today, first time this week. And she had her first taste of chicken and tuna wet food, which she likes. She hung out in the office this evening, seeming to like the warmth. Her purees arrived today, a couple of days early.

So did the glass mortar and pestle, which was a little disappointing. It was smaller than expected, and the pestle had a trace where the two pieces of the mold joined too loosely. I had to carefully break it off all the way around and smooth it down so it could be usable. But it is usable now, and cleaned. I will have to dig up my old one from storage, a far nicer one. But in the meantime, it is usable.

Not much else going on. I slept a lot today.