Hickory bacon

Posted on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 at 4:31 am

Taco meat #3. (Right click for larger image in a new window.)

I got an avocado Thursday, and it is ripe tonight. So the thaw, slice, and dice of the Hickory bacon. Spudacado hickory will happen shortly. Tacos will come later. I still have stew to consume. Chili and cajun black beans and rice w/ham are history.

Truck is doing well. It didn’t go anywhere since Thursday morning. I still have hose and clamps on my mind, just haven’t pursued it yet. I spent a fair portion of the day and tonight catching up on sleep. So projects are slow in progressing. Slow poking.

Forecast is for the 70s, sunny, open windows, nowhere to go.

Hickory Spudacado
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