Plop day

Posted on Sunday, March 24th, 2024 at 8:23 pm

It was a fairly docile Sunday, as most tend to be. Weren’t any chores to speak of, though I just got a bag of ice after filling the bin. Tending to Myka rounded it out. I didn’t mess with the heater hoses, it just wasn’t in the cards. I have the hose caps and band clamps (yesterday) for when the mechanical muse strikes. I preferred to take the day off. It has been a fairly eventful week. It felt good to be lazy.

Dry, but mainly overcast, not much direct sunlight. Mild temps, 60s, 70s, a little on the breezy side from the Gulf. Windows were open in the afternoon. A pleasant but slow day. Rain forecast for tomorrow.

Stew and taco meat #3 are the entrees. Plenty of alternatives on tap. Spaghetti on the horizon. No complaints, snacking a bit more than usual. Slowing the pace. I was eating pretty heavily to finish items that had been there awhile.

I’m about ready to turn my focus back on the office. I know when I’m focused on cleaning, other things are not misbehaving or demanding. I’ve been focusing on the next projects scheduling.

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