Archive for February 9th, 2024

Day 2

Posted on Friday, February 9th, 2024 at 10:10 pm
Baby back ribs, rubbed, two racks.

After washing the penne dishes last night, I bottomed out. The intended strawberry puree was delayed until this afternoon. It was a 16 hour crash and burn. I obviously needed it. But the 3 lb of strawberries were cored and became three tubs of puree, now in the fridge, about to go in the freezer.

After the blender pitcher was dry from washing and put away, the oven got fired up, the ribs got rubbed (Tombstone Mesquite), and the above envisioned happened. I still need to slash and bag them, letting them sit for cutting and bagging. The new knife will taste its first ribs. More freezing.

The windows are still open at 10 pm. The neighborhood spent a fair bit of time outdoors this afternoon and evening. A grand kickoff to the weekend. The birds were going nuts all day, downright noisy. Myka enjoyed ears to the dark this evening. She wore herself out.

The avocados are ripening faster than I had anticipated. That means guacamole before eggs ackley. I can dice some ribs to make guacaspud in the meantime. So it will be guacamole and TLC penne alfredo as primaries for the weekend, brie and crackers being the side dish. Burger patties, ribs, and puree for the added freezer stock. All in all, well worth it.

I made my ice run today, so I’ll be sitting tight this weekend. I paid truck insurance today, a bit early, but it made sense financially, even if it bites into mad money a bit. I certainly don’t need food any time soon. I’ll make it without fret.