Archive for February 26th, 2024

Monday morning

Posted on Monday, February 26th, 2024 at 4:44 am

The weekend is over. But spring is not. Highs in the low 80s, mostly sunny, Gulf/Mexican breeze. Low temp, 68°F, light overcast, a T-shirt night, first of the year.

A bank run is on the list for today. After that, lazy time. I have been pretty lazy the last couple of days, once I was done horde sitting. (And that wasn’t much effort.) I still haven’t cooked anything, eating tamales, flautas, bread and cheese, and snacks. Not much of an appetite.

Spring Fling notice got sent out, late April. I guess I need to restring the Egee. Can’t have the strings too fresh come party time.

I got another 50 – $1 bills at the bank this morning. That gives me a total of 96, and with a few needs here or there for $1 bills, it should give me 45 bags of ice without getting more or resorting to quarters.

I had TLT wing tacos for dinner. No complaints from me or Myka.

Chores were intentionally light today, because of the bank run. And they are all done. I will need to thaw something. I’m thinking spare ribs for spuds and brisket sandwiches, but that could change by morning.

Myka has been hogging the LZB recently. It’s probably the season shift. You can always tell the temperature outside by how far off the floor Myka is snoozing, inversely proportional.