Archive for July 30th, 2012

Wet when dry

Posted on Monday, July 30th, 2012 at 9:38 am

It is a watering day today.  Started with the potted plants before the outdoor temp hit 90°F.  It’s another day destined to approach triple digits.  Fortunately, this summer hasn’t had many triple digit days thus far, a nice muggy and warm Gulf summer with dew points consistently in the 70’s.  Relatively green, and needing mower blades changed, hopefully early this week.  (Waiting for that to happen since my release from the hospital, but that is another story involving impact wrenches, which I don’t have.)


The dogs get bathed today, another wet chore, but without shoes.  Midday will probably be uneventful, hiding indoors from the heat while a pair of mowing tractors (James and Carl) reduce the height of the property’s grass.


Did my seasonal harvesting of Turbosquid yesterday.  Maybe it’s just me, but the offerings overall didn’t seem up to the usual standards.